Register to attend
Student Workshops will take place on Sunday, March 12 Industry Workshops will take place on Monday, March 13 Technical Sessions will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, March 14-16
The conference registration fee for Full Members & Non-Members include admission to technical sessions, workshops, exhibit hall, meals and social receptions:
- Exhibitor Ice Breaker Social Monday, March 13
- Conference Socials Tuesday and Wednesday March 14-15
A ‘Member’ is an Individual Member with The Hydrographic Society of America, The Canadian Hydrographic Association, or the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS). All ‘Members’ must be in good standing.
- The registration price for the full conference is $490 for Members and $635 for Non-Members.
- One day Conference registration for Members is $230 and $270 for Non-Members.
- Students of ‘Member’ organizations may register for $60 (Proof of student ID required).
There will be no exhibitor guest passes for this conference.
All persons must register as one of the above categories to visit the exhibits.
NO REFUNDS after February 1, 2023.
For questions regarding the registration at contact: [email protected]